
General club information

These links below download our Constitution (drafted in 1968 and with amendments of 1998, 2009, 2013, 2017 and 2020) and our Code of Conduct which every member is invited to sign off and agree to at the start of every season as part of the registration process. It’s important that you’re familiar with the Code as it outlines the expectations the club and other club members have of you.

Code of Conduct 2020

Protocol for Dealing with Race Day Infractions

Professional Cross Country Club of Tasmania Incorporated
PO Box 561, Burnie 7320.

Please take the time to familiarise yourself with these points.

The Professional Cross Country Club of Tasmania was formed in 1968 and each year conducts a season of Sunday races between April and September.

  1. The object of the Club is to create a greater interest in professional athletics and long distance winter running in particular.
  2. Membership is open to persons aged 15 years and over wishing to compete in Club events or the organisation of the Club’s affairs.
  3. The Club also conducts nominated time events of 2-3km before the main race, mainly for youngsters, runners coming back from time off or injury or any others just preferring to run a shorter distance. Nominated Time participants must be accompanied by an adult if aged under 8 years. Nominated time runners aged 12, 13 or 14, can do their nominated time run in the main (handicapped) Club event on the day if it is 5 or 6km.
  4. Runners may not compete in any Club event until registration and entry fees are paid.
  5. Registration is $65. Unless otherwise stated the entry fee per race is $7. Registration and Race entry can only be done on the Club’s website. Entries for most races close at 6pm the Friday prior to the race. Please see the Registration + Race Entry page for more information.
  6. Club races will be held on Sundays, commencing at 9:30 a.m., unless programmed otherwise.
  7. Visitors are permitted to run with the Club for a registration fee of $10 plus the applicable race entry fee on the day.
  8. The Race Manager is responsible for the organising of the race. Any matter pertaining to the race must be directed to the Race Manager. Up to 10 helpers are needed every race day to help with course marshalling and finish line duties. If a member is not running but attending the event, or is aware of another responsible person who may be able to assist, the member is asked to contact the Race Manager to offer assistance.
  9. When the official starter calls a competitor, he/she must line up immediately. If a runners misses his/her specified start time, he/she must drop back, wait for the next group to be dispatched and start with that group.
  10. When competing on public roadways runners must, whenever possible, run in single file and always on the right-hand side of the road, unless otherwise instructed by officials.
  11. Important information, including safety information, pertinent to the next event is posted on the Club website, normally at 6pm on Saturday prior to the race, and must be read before competing. The handicaps are also posted at this time. If you have entered and your name is not included, contact the Club.
  12. Where flags, witches hats and/or arrows are used to mark a course, or any part of a course, runners moving inside them take the risk of being disqualified.
  13. Runners assisted by pacing, either by physical or mechanical means, risk disqualification. Pacing is receiving assistance from someone not entered in the event in a deliberate attempt to receive an unfair advantage.
  14. Any non-finisher who does not notify officials can be fined $20.
  15. All competitors are required to wear a race number so that it is visible on their front, for all races. Runners are assigned a Club number when they register. All runners must display this number when competing in a race. Don’t obstruct your number as you cross the finishing line; this can happen if you look at your watch. If you intend competing with the club on a regular basis it’s a good idea to get a singlet with your own number clearly marked on it. Club tops are available to order from time-to-time.
  16. No prams, pets, skates are allowed. The Club strongly discourages the use of earbuds during events  and urges all runners not to wear them when competing in Club races.
  17. Members are not permitted to approach the handicapper with queries regarding handicaps before the commencement of the race but may discuss the matter with the handicapper after the race and presentation of prize money.
  18. Volunteer members are very welcome and are requested to complete a registration form (no fee) for safety and insurance.