• All team members need to be registered as a member of the PCCCT. You can register for a “Single Race Membership” ($10) if you are only competing in this event this year. Click here to register as a member.
  • Only one person needs to enter for the entire team. They will nominate the Team Members in the registration process 
  • Teams will be assigned a handicap based on their team. 
  • You can run in any order, but each member must only run one leg (except for the 3x2x3.5km, you will run two legs but in the same order each time) 
  • You cannot substitute a runner after entering, as handicaps are based off of the team entered. 
  • Team Bibs must be worn by all members, and can be picked up from the PCCCT Van before the start of the race. 
  • You do not have to wear your PCCCT race number, but you will have to wear a team bib.
  • You are responsible for transport between changeover points. Please be careful on the roads as there will be competitors on course!
  • You must only perform the relay changeover at the designated changeover points